This is the view of the hotel and the grounds from the edge of the car park. They have so much green space that isn't used for most of the year apart from when we host a two day festival in July. I found out today that I'm going to be working both days and both will be twelve hour shifts. It's going to be hard work and horrid if it's a hot weekend but I will be rolling in the money afterwards! Today at work was bad enough as it was absolutely boiling. We did a barbecue for all the conference delegates which meant that I was out in the sun serving the food for over an hour. It would have been brilliant if I was in a bikini eating the barbecue but I was sweltering in black clothes and having to be polite to the customers. I then had to hoover the whole marquee again so my two main tasks of the day meant that I was too hot. I was glad to get in the Ka with the air conditioning at the end of the day! I just wish I had it in my bed room as it is so hot with no breeze. All this moaning but I actually love the hot weather. I'll be sad when it starts raining.
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