Popped into London today for my orientation at the gallery. The people are lovely there and they gave me the tour and showed me what my duties will be. The lady then dropped the bombshell that when I start on Monday, I will be running the gallery on my own for the day! I have my own keys to open and close the place and have a list of jobs that I have to complete throughout the day, including advertising and promotion of the gallery. Talk about being dropped in at the deep end! I'm really excited about it though as it's a great opportunity and brilliant for the CV especially as I can get involved with the curating of the exhibitions there. I wasn't in there that long so I went shopping for some smart clothes to wear when I'm in the gallery. I got a bit hot in my suit so I only bought a pair of tailored shorts from H&M before heading back to Kings Cross to catch the train. I hope the lure of the shops at Oxford Circus doesn't ruin my overdraft!
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