We had planned to stay in today to sunbathe and swim but when we got up, it was grey and overcast. Barry, Parge and Nanny and Grandad wanted to see this bridge thing sometime over the next few days but decided to go today due to the shoddy weather. It's called something like the Foster Bridge and it's apparently a triumph of modern bridge making. If it had been just up the road, I might have gone to see it but it was two and a half hours away so I gave it a miss. James didn't fancy it either due to its height. The seven of us stayed here and attempted to top up the tan. Me, Sarah, Holly and Grace were straight in the pool this morning and we think we've left the heating system on because it was all lovely and warm, almost like a bath. The sun still wasn't out and although I managed to get about five minutes in the sun, it then stayed cloudy for the rest of the day. To amuse ourselves, we've read books (James is now up to chapter twenty six and scouting everyone else's books for the next possibility), completed puzzles and played Harry Potter scrabble where the only words you can form are Potter-themed. The sun came out for a bit this evening for the yummy pizzas that Holly, Grace and Sarah made but it's been a bit of a relaxing day today. It better be sunny and blazing hot tomorrow otherwise I'm suing someone....
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