I was all organised this morning and ready for half eleven when our hair dresser was meant to arrive. She'd already delayed it by half an hour and I though I could make lunch with the girls if I didn't have a shower afterwards. Unfortunately, she was twenty minutes late so by the time I left my house, it was ten past twelve. I headed over to pick up the Pez - she's just been on holiday so it was lovely to see her and we headed over to Liz's. The Ginn, Shep and Em were already there and we had a lovely, albeit brief, luncheon. Kat was still there so it was nice for everyone else to meet her. We went to Ginn's for a while but I had to rush off home to pack as we leave for France tomorrow. It didn't take me that long and the Marger weighed my bag to make sure it wasn't too heavy. It was just over at 20.7kg but we have a group baggage allowance so either Nanny or Grandad will probably be under. I'm at James' tonight and he had a bit of a panic earlier as all his clothes didn't fit into his normal travelling bag. But his mum had a spare one in the loft that he used and there's now plenty of room for last minute bits in the morning. Now having a relaxing night with sparkling white wine, flapjacks and mini Yorkies, although we're watching 'The Mummy II' and it's not that relaxing! I hope I don't have any bad dreams tonight because they'll definitely be filled with mummies, small monkey creatures and skin-less men.
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