Monday, March 8, 2010

Mondays are Glee Days

'Glee' is definately one of the best shows to come out of America along with 'Studio Sixty on the Sunset Strip' in the last couple of years. Brilliant episode tonight - warming to the Quinn and Finn relationship but the love is all for the wonderful Puck! I wonder if his name is any relation to Shakespeare? Probably not. All done now for tomorrow's presentation so I just need to get a good night's sleep tonight in preparation. I had to get up half half seven this morning as James had to go to work but it meant that I was up bright and early for the Ginn-Mister who came round for a lovely variation on the Ploughmans lunch, followed by a spot of chocolate and raspberry torte. Sarah dropped us both off in Bedford: me to the station and Ginn to her uni. Now for a bit of Monk and today's Neighbours before filling up the usual two water bottles and climbing into bed.

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