I've had a brilliant but busy day. Woke up early at nine to be ready for the Marger to pick me up from James' because we went shopping in Milton Keynes. Margey bought me some lovely flat shoes for Venice and a treat of a packet of fruit salads and black jacks. I needed some new sunglasses so I picked up a lovely but cheap pair from Marks and Spencers. Margey bought herself some new t-shirts and a new pair of casual trousers, we had a wonderful luncheon in John Lewis' and then headed back home. I quickly changed and headed over to Hitchin for a job interview at the hotel that Sarah works in and got it! I will now be a waitress and working behind the bar. Finally, I'll have some money! I cannot wait to have some spare cash to go mental with. Nanny and Grandad came round for an early Mother's Day dinner and we had salmon with a cherry tomato sauce, followed by some immense pavalova: it's the Marger's speciality and it's brilliant. I'm now at Ginn's lovely flat with Legg and Sheppy, chilling out with lots of junk food and the company of Madonna, Lady GaGa and Beyonce. We're watching the music channel, they're not in the room.......
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