Yes, two Easter eggs! For the first time ever, James bought me one - neither him nor Margey could find my favourite, Guylian, so James went for a similar version and Margey got the classic Cadbury's milk chocolate one which comes with a great mug. I'm not a quick chocolate eater so both eggs will probably last me a whole month. Sarah has eaten her Mini Eggs one in less than twelve hours...... Got up nice and early this morning at Liz's and had some lovely tea and chats before James and Laura picked me up to go to their auntie's house. They have lots of family with young kids on that side and their Auntie Jenny has started to host an annual easter egg hunt. Unfortunately, we three, at 21 and 24, are considered too old to play but James took much pleasure in showing that he had spotted many on the way into the house so could have been the victor of the egg quest! After a lovely buffet lunch, I came home to get ready for my first shift of my new job after a tiny nap. I was so tired before it but that's nothing compared to what I am now! I was thrown in at the deep end, waitressing at a wedding but luckily no bar work. It was actually quite enjoyable but knackering, and I've got my next shift after this week's trip to Venice!
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