Nice literary pun there. We popped up to Leicester today to see Auntie Jayne and so she with Sarah and Margey could do some walking in training for the Moonwalk in May. I left my phone at home which really threw me - it's amazing how strange I felt without it! While they were out walking, I went into uni to collect some books that other people had finally returned - I had meant to text Han, Katie and Dunc to see if they were around for a catch up but no phone meant that I couldn't! I met the walkers for lunch at the tea room near Bradgate Park and had a lovely Ploughmans before meeting Grace from school. On the way back home, I suddenly had a productive moment and got a good 400 words written in my notebook that can be typed up tomorrow. Brilliant. Now having a rest with a Magners and some Lost and Criminal Minds but the latter is a particularly scary one but I can't stop watching. Bad times.
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