Marger loves Muse but sometimes calls them 'The Muse' in her old age. She bought me, her and Sarah tickets for this tour when they went on sale early this year so we trotted down to London today. I spent the afternoon with Shep, Em and the Ginn and we had cakes from Gunns and lots of tea at Shep's house. Marger and I picked Sarah up from work and then drove down to the Big Smoke. I would have absolutely no idea how to drive the normal way to Wembley but Marger knows a nifty back way through Edgeware and Kingsbury so we get there much quicker than it would normally take. We missed the first support act of White Rabbits, disliked The Big Pink and then absolutely loved Lily Allen! She was amazing and looked very pretty in a white dress. Her set was brilliant and got even better when Professor Green came on to sing 'Just be good to Green'! Muse were prompt and as always, fantastic with sparkly suits, a great light show and lots of energy. They played my favourite 'Plug In Baby' during the encore and ended with 'Knights of Cydonia'. We're now stuck in the car park at Wembley because when we arrived, Marger parked up and then decided to move closer to what she thought was the exit so we could get away quickly. In actual fact, we parked the furthest away from the exit so it's taking quite a while to get out. Fail.
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