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I'm 22 years old today. OLD. It's been one whole year since I started this and I've managed to post a picture every day. I can't say it hasn't been annoying sometimes and I will be glad that it's finally finished but I'm quite proud that I've managed to remember everyday. I've even 'done my blog' on nights out, from the South of France, after festivals and from Venice. I'm sure for the next few weeks I'll wake up in the night worrying because I haven't done it only to realise that it's finished. It's been the subject of much jest from some friends and the source of knowledge for others but I've carried on. Today has been a really lovely birthday - we woke up early this morning so I could open my presents before Marge and Parge had to go to work. Margey made me a 'Girl With The Dragon Tattoo'-themed cake which I then had a slic of for breakfast! I got loads of lovely things as you can see here: a new lense for my camera, the two newest True Blood books, series seven of Monk which I've already started watching, series six of Entourage, earrings, nail varnish, a set of Agatha Christie audio books, series one and two of Being Human, my perfume that the Marger had to get shipped across from America as they've stopped doing it here and a duvet for the new kingsize bed I'm getting soon. James bought me Stephen Fry's new autobiography, the DVD of District 9 and voucher for John Lewis so I can chose another set of covers for my bed and another book and DVD that haven't arrived yet. As the duvet Sarah bought me was a thin summer one, we went to Ikea today to exchange it and have lunch after I also bought a nice smelling candle, two new pillows, a red fitted sheet and a duvet cover set that's white and patterny. We've just been out for a meal and I'm stuffed. I had the tomato soup to start, followed by the roast beef and then my absolute favourite, summer pudding. And on that food note, this blog hereby ends. I hope you've enjoyed my rambling musings on life and I'm sorry if I've moaned on too much. Thank you for reading.
It's normally the best things in life are free but the only thing here that was free was James! Last night at work they asked me if I could work during the day tomorrow so I ended up going in with Sarah for half nine and working until four. Knackering. I do enjoy waitressing but the bar work is much better. It wasn't that busy today and I didn't really need to be there but I help set stuff up for tomorrow. Marger picked me up and then cooked a lovely dinner of steak before James came round tonight. All we've food tonight is eat, play Lego Harry Potter and re-watch The Inbetweeners from Monday night. All in time for my 22nd birthday tomorrow! Woooo, exciting!
I've just driven to work with this immense soundtrack on full blast. It is so brilliant. When I was in sixth form, we put on a production of it and I played the narrator. I was pretty good at it, even if I do say so myself. I think a few of the people I drove past on the A1 had a shock when they saw me go past doing the Time Warp and singing at th top of my voice. Maybe I could organise a work production?
Milk solves everything. It's a bit like Calpol when you're little: magical. Today I have lived the life of a poorly person with lots of tablets and liquids as I now have to go into work. Sleepy sleepy.
Today I have played a lot of Lego Harry Potter. It's honestly the best game ever. Hands down, no contest. I managed to get a good nights sleep despite feeling poorly and I actually felt much better this morning but I still rested today. Tonight, Ginn, Liz and I went for a drink in Bedford and had a lovely long chat. We sat outside under the heater and had Irish coffees and cappachinos. Very nice indeed.
Today has been very poorly. Last night was a brilliant night but before I could sleep, the alcohol had to come out of my system which meant that I was sick twice. Being sick is awful and never gets any easier. Because of that, the cold I had brewing is horrendous today. My tongue is all swollen and I think there are a few ulcers underneath, my throat is so painful and I'm very tired. The rose obviously didn't help the situation. Today I sat in front of the tv and felt sorry for myself before having a really long nap. Best nap ever. I'm now round James' and feeling even more poorly than I was was earlier. We bought some Ben and Jerry's and played my new game of Lego Harry Potter for the xBox. I don't have any game consoles myself so I can only play it on James'. The game is amazing and the graphics are much better than the other ones. Excellent present from James!
Everyone loves to have friends. I have the best friends ever. Especially when we're all hammered.
I've had a lovely day today as I went out with Lizzie and her mum for luncheon to Cardington. Nanny and Grandad popped round for a bit this morning before Liz picked me up. They have so many choices of food that we took a good half an hour to decide what we wanted to eat. I really fancied some meat so had the burger. We had a really nice time chatting and all of us wanted a pudding so we went for their sharing dessert of lemon tart, Eton Mess, chocolate brownie and two ice creams. Very yummy. I'm now waiting for my hair dresser to arrive to quickly cut my fringe before I go to work. She's late so I might have to leave and report to cutting it myself again. Soon I'm going to do a Hayley Shepherd and cut it off at the scalp. Drastic but maybe necessary!
Today has been another day of nothingness. I really need a job. Although my new lady on The Sims is doing brilliantly. I had a dentist check-up this afternoon and like normal, everything was fine. Cost me £16 to find that out though. I tried to go to the library to get some books to fill my time but it was closed unfortunately. Tonight I've been to James' house and we watched more football. It was the Arsenal game and they thrashed the other team 6-0! Bless them. We also looked on the internet for skiing holidays as we never managed a summer holiday this year. This place looked amazing, probably because it was 5* and in Whistler, Canada. Bit too pricey for us though! Hopefully TravelZoo will come up trumps in the next few weeks. I'm not sure what I like more - the beach or the slopes!
Yet another day of not much. I'm not complaining because I'll wish I was doing nothing when I finally get a job. I applied for one job I found this morning online which was something like music management assistant. Random but it might be fun. Tonight I went to James' and watched the Man United game and Rangers outplayed them by far. Gutted Fergie.
I adapted this note I found in the kitchen tonight when I got in from Ginn's to make it hilarious. Haha. I haven't done much today apart from look for jobs and finish the last book in the Millenium Trilogy 'The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets' Nest'. Amazing. It really thee together all the loose ends from the two books and solved everything to leave it in a place that made you feel like it was all well and just. The Marger cooked an immense dinner of steak, potato wedges and rear and I contributed by making a shallot and red wine sauce. Yummy. Tonight I've been to Ginn's with Shep and Liz for an Inbetweeners party to watch the first episode of the new series. It was hilarious. Absolutely brilliant and did not disappoint.
It's nice to have days where you just do nothing and sit around. For the first time in ages, I didn't have to set an alarm so I slept for ages this morning. James was feeling rough, probably from the food last night, so we sat and watched the Grand Prix. When Debbie and Denis got back from their walk, they rang up the restaurant and complained. The woman there tried to tell us that food poisoning can't come on that quickly but Debbie mentioned the environmental health and they quickly said that the manager would ring back tomorrow. It'll be interesting to find out what the outcome will be. Liz came round this afternoon and then Ginn and Shep came round a bit afterwards. Marger came home from picking up Parge from the airport and I had a Chinese which was really yummy. I've now collapsed in front of the television, with a slice of Sarah's chocolate cake, half watching a David Jason drama and half reading this month's Elle. Lovely day.
What I though was going to be a lovely day has turned into a bit of a nightmare. James and I had planned today in celebration of our five year anniversary, or rather I had. We take it in turn to organise and this year it was my turn. I'd planned for us to go down to London, spend a couple of hours in London Aquarium and then have a lovely meal at Marco Pierre White's restaurant on Kings Road. The day did not quite plan out like that. James bought me a bracelet on Thursday which wasn't quite my style so we exchanged it this morning in Cambridge. I now have a beautiful red Swarovski (or however you spell it) crystal heart necklace. It's not something that I'd normally go for but I really love it. After James had a quick nap - he was pretty hungover from going out last night with Dom and Tommy - we got ready and headed down to London. I thought I'd left plenty of time to get to the aquarium as when I rang up, they told me that last admissions were at seven and it closed at eight. They told me wrongly. We arrived at quarter past six and it was already closed. Fail One. There was a free mini festival going on up the river so we wandered around there for a while which was actually quite nice! The Cadbury's Stars v. Stripes campaign was there with lots of games for the people to play which were hilarious to watch. We eventually got back on the tube and headed along to Sloane Square where we walked down Kings Road to get to the restaurant. We walked past some beautiful shops and bars but when we got to 386, it was opposite a Carphone Warehouse. Glamorous. It was really cramped in there and our table was perched in the aisle so we were in the way of everyone. Fail Two. We both went for the roasted pepper soup to start which was really lovely. But the main was something else. Again, we chose the same thing: supreme of chicken with creamed leeks. What actually arrived was some awful-quality flattened chicken with cress and plum sauce chucked on it. Fail Three. I thought I couldn't go wrong with the sticky toffee pudding but it was tepid and served with a pathetic excuse for ice cream. Fail Four. We quickly paid the bill and got out of there, only for me to throw up twice on the way to the tube. Once was in McDonalds' toilets. And I vommed whilst wearing my lovely Vivienne Westwood earrings for the first time. Fail One Million. I'm now feeling really weak and empty but thankfully we're on the way home. Marco Pierre White? Rubbish excuse for a celebrity chef. Give me Gordon any day!
Marger loves Muse but sometimes calls them 'The Muse' in her old age. She bought me, her and Sarah tickets for this tour when they went on sale early this year so we trotted down to London today. I spent the afternoon with Shep, Em and the Ginn and we had cakes from Gunns and lots of tea at Shep's house. Marger and I picked Sarah up from work and then drove down to the Big Smoke. I would have absolutely no idea how to drive the normal way to Wembley but Marger knows a nifty back way through Edgeware and Kingsbury so we get there much quicker than it would normally take. We missed the first support act of White Rabbits, disliked The Big Pink and then absolutely loved Lily Allen! She was amazing and looked very pretty in a white dress. Her set was brilliant and got even better when Professor Green came on to sing 'Just be good to Green'! Muse were prompt and as always, fantastic with sparkly suits, a great light show and lots of energy. They played my favourite 'Plug In Baby' during the encore and ended with 'Knights of Cydonia'. We're now stuck in the car park at Wembley because when we arrived, Marger parked up and then decided to move closer to what she thought was the exit so we could get away quickly. In actual fact, we parked the furthest away from the exit so it's taking quite a while to get out. Fail.
Today was another working day but I was only there for a couple of hours. It was hard to wake up early again but it'll be worth it for the bit of extra money. I spent the afternoon reading while Marge took Parge to the airport - he's off to see Auntie Jane in Spain - and she picked up fish and chips on her way back. James and I have been together for five years today and we're officially celebrating on Saturday but tonight we watched the amazing 'Four Lions' and had this feast: strawberries, grapes, chocolate and milk. Excellent.
This picture is so dark, apart from Em's teeth, but we had a great evening. I picked up Ginn, Shep and Em after a long day at the building company. I spent the day sending out more letters but didn't have to redo the ones from yesterday and photo copying. I ran the office for an hour when everyone was out and made countless cups of tea. Tonight we had a lovely night at the pub and I went a bit mental on J20s and food. I'd eaten dinner but had their amazing whitebait and then followed up with the cheese board. The brie was amazing. I'm now feeling very full. And am. pretty. tired. Ready. for. bed.
I worked at the building firm today and after spending two hours writing twenty letters, printing and folding lots of drawings and matching them up, the architects sent over the revised notes and pictures. Fail. So frustrating. But tonight, I headed over to James' to watch the football and England actually won! Nasty Rooney got the first goal and got some undeserved praise. His poor wife and child. Now catching up on some Mad Men but I don't think I'm going to be able to watch the rest of series two and three in twenty four hours before series four starts tomorrow.....
Sarah went to work this morning but was sent home because she's got a terribly sore throat. Dad was working from home today so the two of them have spent the day doing all sorts of ridiculous things. I didn't get up until late and then spent the morning looking for jobs but then had to watch these two dancing to some 'Stop. Wiggle. And Drop' song. I'm sure that's not the actual ghetto lyrics but that's the gist. Now at work and what I expected to be a relatively quiet shift has been pretty busy. For the first two hours, instead of setting the bar up, I was cleaning rooms and giving out complementary drinks to those whose rooms weren't ready on time. We had some lovely chilli con carne for staff tea and now I'm just chatting to some guys who are staying here.
I didn't get home from work until half two this morning so I had a huge sleep and a nap this afternoon. I spent the day lounging around watching films and eating. Brilliant Sunday activities, especially when the films are 'Liar Liar' and a Bond film. Marger made an immense roast dinner for tea and then I went over to James' to cut his hair. Just call me Toni and Guy. I cracked out my holiday colouring book tonight and the new pens that Sarah bought me from Ikea yesterday. One end is felt tips and the other end is little stamps like the old Crayola pens. Add into the mix a orange Club and you have perfect evening in.
This morning we went to see James' grandad in Hitchin as he's been poorly recently. He looked a bit tired but was on fine form conversation wise. We had lots of cups of tea and the usual cheese and tomato sandwiches, accompanied with J20s. James got to sit in the hot seat which is surrounded by the alarms and buttons f'warden but refused to pose for this picture because he was too tired. He's just dropped me off at home in his new work van as he's doing a lot more for his dad's company. The van is interesting but quite smelly. I'm now getting ready for work as I'm on a mammoth shift tonight despite the fact that I'm knackered. Happy days.
Today has been very busy with work and going out for James' dad's birthday tonight. I popped into Hitchin before work to buy Denis' present which because everyone needs to read it, I bought him 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo'. I started work at midday and continued setting up for the wedding. We'd done a lot of it last night but there were a few last minute bits to do like table settings and name cards. I managed a few quick bites for lunch but it wasn't great. I gave out the welcome drinks which killed my arms again, served some drinks on the tab but then I got to go home! It was nice to leave without working the whole wedding. Tonight, we've been out to The Chequers in Stotfold which has just been redone. It's beautiful inside but their organisation wasn't great. They've only just opened this week after their decoration so the new staff were confused with everything. I went for the satay chicken and then their beef medallions in a Stilton and peppercorn sauce. The food was absolutely lovely. We didn't have pudding or coffee there but came back and I made Irish coffees for everyone. Instead of waking me up, it's just made me even more sleepy.... But we're now playing 'The Humourous Humming Game'!
Only a quick one today as I've only got a short break at work. Read a lot more of the book today which is getting even better and now I'm busy at work. When I say busy, I mean really quiet as they're only drinking coke! Bored.
I've had a delightful day today with no work. The sun was shining and I could actually go out in it rather than just look at it through the window. I met Sarah and Jaymo this afternoon for a coffee and a cake. It was back to school today for the teachers and Sarah is helping out for the next two weeks before she goes back to uni, so I met them at school and we headed into Biggleswade. We caught up on all the gossip over millionaire's shortbread, some of which was hysterical - the gossip, not the shortbread. When I got back, I started the second in the Millenium trilogy, 'The Girl Who Played With Fire', which is fantastic, if not better than the first one. I read for as long as I could in the sunshine before I needed to get ready for Em picking me up to go out. The four of us went to Chiquitos as I had a voucher (as always) and we proceeded to stuff ourselves with Mexican food. The restaurant was busy and we didn't eat until twenty past nine so we were nearly hysterical with hunger but I eventually had the potato skins, followed by the chicken and ribs which were both brilliant. I don't know how people manage three courses there because we were full up after one! The journey home was hilarious although Shep did run over a rabbit. I should now actually go to sleep but I need to read some more of this book! I could be here for a while....