I'm 22 years old today. OLD. It's been one whole year since I started this and I've managed to post a picture every day. I can't say it hasn't been annoying sometimes and I will be glad that it's finally finished but I'm quite proud that I've managed to remember everyday. I've even 'done my blog' on nights out, from the South of France, after festivals and from Venice. I'm sure for the next few weeks I'll wake up in the night worrying because I haven't done it only to realise that it's finished. It's been the subject of much jest from some friends and the source of knowledge for others but I've carried on. Today has been a really lovely birthday - we woke up early this morning so I could open my presents before Marge and Parge had to go to work. Margey made me a 'Girl With The Dragon Tattoo'-themed cake which I then had a slic of for breakfast! I got loads of lovely things as you can see here: a new lense for my camera, the two newest True Blood books, series seven of Monk which I've already started watching, series six of Entourage, earrings, nail varnish, a set of Agatha Christie audio books, series one and two of Being Human, my perfume that the Marger had to get shipped across from America as they've stopped doing it here and a duvet for the new kingsize bed I'm getting soon. James bought me Stephen Fry's new autobiography, the DVD of District 9 and voucher for John Lewis so I can chose another set of covers for my bed and another book and DVD that haven't arrived yet. As the duvet Sarah bought me was a thin summer one, we went to Ikea today to exchange it and have lunch after I also bought a nice smelling candle, two new pillows, a red fitted sheet and a duvet cover set that's white and patterny. We've just been out for a meal and I'm stuffed. I had the tomato soup to start, followed by the roast beef and then my absolute favourite, summer pudding. And on that food note, this blog hereby ends. I hope you've enjoyed my rambling musings on life and I'm sorry if I've moaned on too much. Thank you for reading.