On this lovely sunny day, we had our first exam. Not only was it fantastic weather but it was on a Saturday at half nine in the morning. Boo to Leicester University. But we managed to drag ourselves out of bed to get there! This is Katie as we were waiting to go in and it was boiling. We put all our eggs into one basket when it came to exam topics and luckily our gamble paid off. I answered one question on iconoclasm, one on sculptural programmes of chantry chapels and the last one on Torrigiano. Pretty good luck really. And although I think I wrote quite good answers, my hand is still aching. Three essays in three hours on seventeen sides of A4 is a killer on the old wrist! I got the train back home straight away and managed to have a quick sunbathe before getting ready for work. Unfortunately, I look like Justin Bieber at the moment as I'm growing my fringe out and I've tried to pin in up as it's going to be boiling at work but to no avail. If I'm working behind the bar, people are going to think they're being served by a sixteen year old pop sensation with a large chest. Bad times.
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