Shep and I went to Letchworth for lunch today so she could check for a shop that sold hair extensions for her new hair colour. She's had the black stripped out of her hair as she wants to go back to blonde but has to go to this mid-way colour, which she insists is ginger, before her hair will take the new colour. I'd never actually been to the town centre before and it had quite a lot of shops but we settled for lunch in Costa Coffee. We put the world to rights over shortbread, a ragu meatball pannini and two coffees. We wandered around, trying to find the hair shop and finally found it in the arcade but after all that, it was closed! We popped into the ye olde sweet shop opposite and I bought us pear drops and rhubarb and custards before we headed home. Tonight, James and I have been to Chiquitos in St. Evenage for dinner and I'd forgotten how much I'd love Mexican food! We shared a Fiesta platter to start, then I had the lamb cana and James had the barbecue chicken fahijas. I would have liked to have had room for a pudding but the meal, especially the starter, filled me up so we just had a coffee and left. James had a Caffe Sombrero which is an expresso with cold milk and a shot of Kaluha. Probably my ultimate drink. But I was driving so I just went for the expresso. Desperately in need of some sleep now as I'm working again tomorrow.
OMG YOU went to chiquitos im there like every week! x