By 'The Rising Sun', I mean a pub, not Japan. I spent the day with James and the particular highlight was a 'dogumentary' on Sky1 called 'Dogs in Frocks' which was about an annual parade in Santa Barbara where owners dress their dogs in costumes. Nine labradors were dressed as aeroplanes and some other dogs were Hugh Hefner, his girlfriends and the Playboy mansion security. Brilliant. Claire picked me up this evening and we headed over to the pub. Lucy met us a bit later and we sat outside in the garden and by garden, I mean several tables in the concrete car park. Classy. We had a good chat before moving inside because my eyes started really itching from hayfever. My left eye got so bad that I had to take my contact lense out but that only made it worse. It's now a bit better but quite sore. I hope it's better for the weekend and that I don't have to wear my glasses for much longer!
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