Had a very productive morning bashing out some more dissertation. I'm weirdly enjoying it but that's probably because the more I write, the closer I am to finishing! After my speciality dish of pasta, peas, cheese and gravy, I headed into town and got the bus to Auntie Jayne. As the girls saw Wicked last night, they had the day off school so Grace and her friend were stuck for things to do. They ended up writing twelve ideas each on Post-Its and I had to pick them out for them to do. One of the first I picked out was 'Emma hunting' - thanks, Grace! It involved me hiding and them coming to find me. I managed to squeeze myself into Grace's wardrobe and they looked in it three times before they discovered me! While they did the other tasks, I created the above masterpiece with felt tips. Wow. Someone sell it for millions...... I'm now back doing work while YouTubing Red Got Chili Peppers interviews. John, Anthony, Chad, Flea: how I love thee. I'm a soft and I just don't know it. Old School.
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