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Like our friend Jimmy Two Puds, Vick loves to eat. Today I cooked the Ellison tuna pasta bake which was yummy, despite the fact that I had a pasta bake for lunch too! As usual, I made too much so the portions were huge and me and Laur only managed just over half of ours. But Vick the Eating Machine was at the rescue. She polished off our left-overs as well as hers. And we have just made up a post dinner song, involving news readers' names, including John Snow and Krishnan Guru-Murthy. We are so cool.
Lizzie bought me afternoon tea for two at Harrods for my 21st so we decided to take the time out from our busy work schedules and pop into London. It was so lovely - we were in the Georgian Restaurant by the window with a view over Knightsbridge. Our waiter took a shine to Liz and keep complimenting her top! We had some lovely tea with crustless sandwiches of ham, egg, salmon, cheese and cucumber - in seperate sandwiches, obviously. They were followed by scones with cream and jam and then mini pastries. Very lovely! It was so nice to get away from work and have some luxury treatment. Brilliant day!
Went for a lovely dinner with the Ginn and Shep at Frankie and Benny's - now I'm too full up for words! I had potato skins with goat's cheese and bruschetta mix, followed by a 'Philly Steak Bake' which is a fancy term for penne, vegetables, steak and lots of cheese. Lovely but a bit ridiculously pretentious for what it is. We had a good catch-up and managed to find our way home in the horrendous rain and mini floods!
Just been out to celebrate Debbie's (James' mum) birthday and we had some lovely tapas at The Old Maltings. Here are her presents from me and James that were opened earlier. As there were six of us eating, there are too many dishes to list but it was lovely. Instead of having desert and coffees there, we popped into Asda and bought Terry's Chocolate Orange microwave puddings, a Rocky Road-type number, mince pies, coke (as in cola, not the popular 90s drug) and double cream for floater coffees - my waitressing experience will finally become useful!
Here's today's reading and there is one that definately doesn't quite fit it! Alan Carr's autobiography is hilarious and actually made me laugh out loud which I don't normally do with books. On a darker note, as you can probably tell, this essay involves Nazi and Soviet art of the 1930s which is actually quite interesting if you block out the genocide and mass purges. Mix in a bit of Plato's ancient philosophy and you have my essay! I can't wait until all this work is handed in and I can actually look forward to Christmas without feeling guilty. The guilt of doing something that isn't work is life consuming. I even felt guilty when trying to go to sleep the other night. Anyway, interesting but horrid fact for you: Himmler visited one particular art gallery more than he visited Auschwitz. What a git.
There is nothing better than a bacon sandwich and a cup of tea after a night out. Note my favourite Peter Kay mug and my blue Ikea plate! I had this for breakfast and then me and Laura met Vick and Billy for lunch. Instead of a sandwich, I opted for a berry ice-cream sundae. YUM. Far too tired now to do work though. Oh well, back to Soviet state art and an orange KitKat.....
Blakfish popped into Leicester on their British tour. They're a big Birmingham band and they have big links to Laura and Vick. The band before were called 'Gay for Johnny Depp' - brilliant name. It was in the Firebug where drinks are pricey but now we're in Varsity with some horrific Rose on our way to Mosh..... More drink is needed all round!
Tonight's mean spaghetti bolognaise with lots of cheese. We take it in turns each night to cook and today it was my turn. I managed to cobble it together from ingredients in my cupboard and it turned out rather well. My secret tip: add a pepper and some gravy to really thicken the tomato sauce. YUM. And follow with a Orange KitKat or Club. And preferably drink with milk.
Such a great film! Went to see it today and it was brilliant - Jacob should keep the long hair though! And for people who hate it, just read the books. I tried to avoid it for ages but gave in and absolutely loved them! You can't have an opinion about something if you haven't read the books! Now, which is best? Make James grow his hair like Edward or bulk up like Jacob? Decisions, decisions......
Everyone has come up and we've just been to see Holly and Grace's dance show, 'The Sound of Music', but for legal reasons had to be renamed 'Do-Ray-Me'. The girls were very good but tired because it was their second show of the day. Vanilla coffee and a fresh layer of make-up was in order earlier between shows and a very yummy vegetable lasagna to keep them going. My favourite part of the show was when 'Can You Feel The Love Tonight?' featured as a song. Now there's a remake I'd like to see: 'The Sound of the Lion King' - Simba and Julie Andrews sharing centre stage.....
Which basically means a very fancy cinema! It's got seats everywhere and the chairs in the screen room are very comfortable rocking chairs! How modern. We've just been to Nandos and now we're here to see 'The Men Who Stare At Goats'. I tried to get in the 'New Moon' queue but James was having none of it. But what more could a girl want from an evening than chicken and George Clooney?
Yes, this is how exciting my life has got. Pen selection. Work is literally taking over my life but like anything, it can be jazzed up with Crayola metallic pens and girl-coloured highlighters. I'm not actually using the Crayola pens for actual work but they are good for doodling (not 'fondling' which is what the predictive text wanted to put!). Tonight's choice is some vintage Arctic Monkey's. Not really vintage but if Snow Patrol can have a greatest hits after three albums, then Arctic Monkeys, circa 2006, can be vintage!
Another day of hard studying with the M-G on our favourite floor of the library. I've made an essay plan and I'm going to crack on any minute now..... I made me and Laura a fabulous casserole for tea that we had with lovely bread and I'm now so full that I don't even want a satsuma. Wow. This is boring. Third year sucks the life out of you.
Today's texts are all for my essay about moralistic Victorian art. Woop-te-doo. It's actually really interesting but made dull by an enforced essay on the subject. I wish third year was as easy as last year. I haven't even got a trip to Italy to look forward to, unlike last year. Bad times. Feeling better today so have managed to do some notes on the topic but not as much as I would liked to have done. I wish the modules were entirely exam-based. Now, back to the work but the question is, Abba or Jurassic 5? I think the Swedes win......
I'm poorly again. I've spent the whole day in bed, sleeping and finishing the latest Dan Brown book and I'm still not feeling great. Tried to get up early for uni and not even a satsuma made me feel better. I've been half dressed, half in my pajamas all day and now I'm tucked up on the sofa in a blanket and my slippers watching 'Flashforward' with Laura. Maybe a confusing but brilliant television programme will make me well!
Here is Liz, blowing out the candles on her many cakes! Angela had a beautiful chocolate cake made, Dan had made a Family Guy one and last night, James made a Little Miss Sunshine cake. I think the Batchelor family will be eating cake for a long time! We had a lovely day celebrating Liz's birthday with fireworks and Beatles Rock Band. The drinks flowed all day long (I stuck to the water as I'm still not feeling top notch) and you know the food is good when there is TWO bits of pineapple on a cheese-and-pineapple-on-a-stick. I enjoyed the cheese board personally, gotta love a bit of Applewood, but Shep, the ultimate cheese hater, was appalled when she found out the grapes she had been eating all day had been next to it, bless her.
Having a lovely evening with Shep, Em and the Ginn - haven't seen Em for ages! We're watching X-Factor and have been discussing a new show: 'The Ginn Factor' - two solid hours of Hannah singing songs, possibly dressed as some sort of angel? Maybe just in her head then..... I'm feeling much better today and have managed to eat the rice and the meat part of a biriyani. So far, so good so hopefully my tummy can keep it all down.
I hate being ill. Woke up in the night last night with tummy pains and then that turned into sickness. These are the only things that you need when you're poorly. A bucket (unused as yet), the remotes, lots of water and the remnants of a satsuma as they're the only things that I can keep down, let alone want to eat. I HATE BEING ILL.
This is how we roll in this town. From Dylan Moran yesterday to three to a sofa today. Sarah is looking really cool behind the cushion with her green 'I love Topshop' socks and James is looking thrilled at the fact that he's having to watch 'Peter Andre: The Next Chapter'. There are also a few staples of my home life in this photo - milk in my Sterephonics mug, my post and Sarah's nail varnish that I sometimes have to borrow!
This picture is good but not as good as the picture that I should have taken WHEN I MET DYLAN MORAN! I'm still shaking and it happened over two hours ago! Me and James met Laura and Steve outside the restaurant (three courses and a Bellini for £15 - bargain) and who happened to be outside, making notes, smoking and drinking a beer, but DYLAN MORAN, albeit with a moustache! Still reeling from the shock, I decided it would be a good idea to go over and say hello. In hindsight, it would have been a perfect opportunity for one of my legendary embarrassing one-liners but thankfully I kept my cool. We had a brief chat where I wished him luck for the show and he asked for my name. I like to think that he's going to get me up on stage to propose but James thinks it's more likely that he's going to make a mockery of me. Or perhaps he was just being polite?! We're now sitting in the Apollo Theatre, waiting for the stand-up to begin. I'm getting my proposal acceptance speech ready......
Yes, it has sunk to that. I'm already wearing my Marks and Spencers jazzy purple thermals under my amazing tartan pajamas but I've sunk to a new low. Primark Thermals. Who knew that they'd branched out into this new genre of clothing? I haven't bought any yet but I am debating as to which colour to choose. I believe there are blue, black and white but possibly red too. Which shall I go for? Answers to PO BOX Emma21, please.
I have spent pretty much all day with Han today. We went into uni at ten, then had a break for a Piazza lunch. Han had the carrot and leek soup and I had an Italian vegetable pasta with 'rustic bread' - excellent value and quality for a university meal! Another lecture in the afternoon and then we went to the public lecture this evening on something like the art and national identity during the Napoleonic Wars - it was very enjoyable!
Haven't really done much today apart from sleep and eat and watch tv, mainly at James' house so this is the lovely view of part of their garden. The big oak tree is constantly shedding something all year, whether it's branches, leaves or acorns. James and Laura used to earn 50p a bucket of acorns that they'd collected from the lawn which was a cunning idea from Debbie and Denis! But today, there were no acorns collected as we sat in the lounge all day and watched the EMA's - gotta love that Dave Grohl!
I was furious when me, James and Parge got down to the Sandy Scout's annual display in the Sand Hills because they didn't have toffee apples! What sort of bonfire night celebration doesn't have toffee apples?! So I treated me and Parge to a 99 with sauce from the ice-cream man. James thought we were literally mad. The display was the same as normal: tanks and boats firing at each other, parts of fireworks landing in the crowd and little nasty chavs shouting stuff, although this year they went for the more original 'Green Army' everytime a green fire work went off. I'm glad to see Sandy Upper is still the same classy establishment!
Went for a lovely lunch at The Old Maltings in Biggleswade with Ginn (wearing my lovely leopard print coat here) and Sarah. I had the spiced apple tea and a cheese omelette, Ginn had the butternut squash soup and Sarah had a selection of tapas, including mixed breads with dips, prawns and wild mushrooms, although me and Han ended up eating most of it! There was one big mushroom that Ginn ate and then instantly regretted because it was too big and rubbery!
So I don't have lots and lots of things to bring home at Christmas, I've been ordering things to home. Marger has got to know the post lady well with all of my parcels arriving! I've ordered so many things that I can't actually remember what I've bought. It's almost too early for Christmas shopping but if I get it out of the way now, I'll more time for work at the end of term. That's the theory anyway!
Vick loves to make pies but this is the first time we've had one as Mel only brought her pie dishes up at the weekend. Billy and Brooke have come round to sample the pie, then we're watching the Liverpool match and hoping they win otherwise Vick will cry! We're going to play some sort of football drinking game and then head out to the Union for a lovely dance! Just about to eat the pie now........
I'm sure you're all seeing a common theme in my blog: FOOD. 'Hello, my name is Emma Mercer and I'm addicted to food'. Instead of cooking, me and Laura decided to take full advantage of Dominos' Tuesday offer of two pizzas for the price of one. Unfortunately, we ended up with three because they took forever to deliver and then gave us an extra one for free after I complained! Me and Laur sat on my bedroom floor (which I've only just noticed from this picture is far too colourful), ate our yummy pizzas and watched last night's 'Flashforward'. We only managed two so the last one is waiting in the kitchen for Vick when she gets back tomorrow!
One of Holly and Grace's lovely cats lying on the floor looking very cute with his mouse toy! Although Alfie and Esmie are still quite young, they have grown so quickly. I also seem to be over my allergy to them or maybe that was just the strong allergy tablet I took earlier!
Vick's mum took me, James, Vick, Laura and Brooke out for a Sunday roast. I meant to take a picture of the actual roast but I was far too hungry and only remembered when I'd eaten the whole thing. Such a yummy dinner - roast beef, roast potatos, carrots, peas, green beans and stuffing all in one massive yorkshire pudding! All for the bargain price of £6.95. It's in a lovely building which is one of the oldest school buildings in the country and was built in 1573, as per the name. I would highly recommend it!