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There's nothing more worthwhile than googling and YouTubing cats and dogs. Basset hounds that sing along to music and Persian cats for sale. These beautiful kittens were bred in a cattery in Dunc's home town of Middlesborough and I want them! They remind me of the Aristocats - I shall buy them and then teach them to sing, paint, dance and speak French! Or maybe I'll buy them and name them after my heroes: Kandinsky, Frusciante and Moss..... Either way, they would be brilliant cats!
Holly, my cousin, is doing a project for her art GCSE and she's creating a project with sunglasses and the reflection of world landmarks in the lenses. She needed a few more images for her research so I've spent the day looking through my many years of Elle magazines to find some more for her. While I flicked through them, I watched 'This is England' which is one of the best films I've seen in a long time but also one of the most upsetting. Bullying, loneliness, racism and pretty horrific violence. But Stephen Graham's performance as Combo is fantastic but truely disturbing. I've spent the last quarter of an hour in tears. Not exactly a Winter Warmer.....
I met the above for lunch today before our Conceptual Art module in the Piazza - Dunc as normal was late by about twenty minutes. Hannah had a lovely new fringe, as you can see, and Katie and I had two brilliant stories about pens - she'd got one from a cracker and I got an excellent new one this week for the new term. See what I mean about them being good stories? The food was not as good as normal but that's only because I had the lamb tagine and it was a bit fatty. Our conceptual module was brilliant - Thomas was on fire as usual and knew all the artists personally that he was talking about, bless him. We talked about what sounds like an amazing installation in London called 'Art Bin' where works of art are destroyed in a giant see-through skip - google it, kids.......
I'm at Auntie Jayne's for the night and it's been Homework Club all afternoon. I've been doing dissertation work, Holly did some art, Grace had some Maths to copy up and Jayne has an exam tomorrow on what seems to be all of Microsoft Office! Me and Grace have been on-hand computer experts but some of the stuff is pretty difficult - we were never taught Microsoft Access in my day...... Makes me want to join the dark side and get a Macbook or this new iPad (horrific name, Mr. Steve Jobs). We had some lovely tuna steaks for tea with a greek salad, home-made bread and some couscous. YUM. I'm quite allergic to the cats though but they love to climb all over you so I'm absolutely covered in cat hair. I'm Sneezy McSneeze right now. The fire is on in the Green Room so I'm all cosy, watching 'Silent Witness' - gotta love crime whodunits?
Done some work today but also went to the cinema with Laura to see the George Clooney film, 'Up in the Air' - not great for anyone who was thinking of seeing it. I'm going to miss the student vouchers when we leave uni: buy one get one free! Everyone loves a good bit of Dominos and we were all meant to go to Han's for Pizza Night but she was too tired to host us. Katie came round here and we've eaten both pizzas with extra dips! I found an immense new pizza with ham, pepperoni, ground beef, peppers, onions, mushrooms, oliver and extra cheese. YUM. We're now watching Celebrity Big Brother and looking forward to the new series of Desperate Housewives. Team Susan!
A new term, the same old library. Me and Katie started our British Gothic Sculpture module today but spent the rest of the day in the library doing dissertation reading. I was researching the history of controversial art while Katie read about Picasso and his many women. Some people don't quite understand the quiet rule and we had to move at one point because some stupid Freshers were making too much noise. I think we're old before our time...... Our lecture with Phil was brilliant - he could make anything interesting. He's basically told us what to write for all the essay coursework questions and is taking us on two trips, one to Ipswich and one to Winchester - I might be 21 but school trips are still exciting!
I got to the station to go back up to Leicester with five minutes to spare. But there was a batty old woman who couldn't find her purse and then wanted a print out from her tickets which meant that by the time I got to the cashier, my train had already left. Bad times. I had to wait an hour for the next one but luckily, James had waited so we had a drink. I've had a pretty good evening back here: Neighbours, pesto pasta, Monk, the Download headliners announcement (AC/DC and Them Crooked Vultures) and Glee is on soon! But I can't believe that another person in my year is getting married! Mental. You are only 21 once, kids......
Got to James' house this evening and this was how he was napping on his bed. He hadn't moved any of the stuff on it to sleep on the bed normally. He is known for being able to sleep anywhere but this is quite ridiculous! I've had a good day of doing barely anything: English breakfast this morning, the Arsenal v Stoke match (where Arsenal were pretty terrible - it ended 3-1 to Stoke), reading the Sunday Times' magazines and then a lovely roast dinner. Now we're watching 'Rock and Chips' on BBC1- not sure how good it's going to be though......
On a spur of the moment decision, James and I have decided to come and see Avatar this evening. We arrived at the cinema with plenty of time (which is rare) to see the eight o'clock showing but it had sold out! No wonder old James Cameron is raking it in. We went for the nine showing but it's raining outside so we're queued like losers outside the screen. Fingers crossed we get a good seat because there's nothing worse than sitting next to someone who jumps at everything and fidgets. Unfortunately James has to because I am that person. And now that the 3D glasses are involved, I'm sure I'll find something that irritates me about them and complain about that. Sorry to the stranger who sits on my other side!
Here are the Ellison family after James' graduation from the University of Derby with a BA Hons. Brilliant. Lovely hat and colours there. Now onto the Masters! We had to get up so early to get to the ceremony in time to pick up the robes and to have the pictures taken. The professional photographer placed me 'on the end' of the family picture so I could be 'cut out if things go wrong'. Thanks, love....... The actual ceremony wasn't too boring but once James had been on the stage to shake hands with the Chancellor, the best bit was over. We popped to Denby for some crockery shopping and then went back to Derby for a lovely lunch at Le Bistro Pierre. Wonderful French food - I had grilled goats' cheese with beetroot and raspberry followed by pave de steak with pomme frites. Steak and chips to you and me. It was yummy but very filling so none of us could managed pudding! A very lovely day all round. Congratulations, James!
We're in Derby for James' graduation tomorrow because it's so early in the morning. Debbie and Denis have rented an apartment for the night as we'd would have had to leave Bedfordshire tomorrow morning at about half five! An overnight stay is much more appealing. It's a lovely place with two bedrooms, Molton Brown shower things and even a dishwasher. We picked Laura up from the train station and found a wonderful Indian restaurant - if only James still lived here! We picked up a takeaway and brought it back to the apartment where we ate it all - excellent food. Here you can see the graduation present Debbie and Denis brought James - a toy Basset Hound with a mortarboard! It's now called Watson.... Colin Watson!
Despite not getting hangovers, some good old fashioned greasy food is always appealing the morning after alcohol. We drove back to Bedfordshire this morning after a night of Nessa impressions, WKD Red and some hardcore lunges - a stop at McDonalds was calling us. I didn't fancy a burger so went for chicken strips, chips and a chocolate milkshake. It was yummy at the time but afterwards, I got the feeling that what I'd just eaten wasn't actually quite food, as you do with all fast food. Now I'm watching the football with James and because the Arsenal match isn't on, we've got the Aston Villa v Blackburn Rovers on and it's a suprisingly good game - come on the Blackburn! I do like an underdog. My family of Arsenal, Liverpool and Manchester United supporters would not support this statement.
Although me and Han finished exams on Saturday, Katie and Duncan had their last one this morning. We're now at Hannah's having some beverages (can't say 'drink' due International Drinking Rules) with many related drinking games. Katie failed at the counting game but came up with some good questions in 'I have never'. Now we've got into the Cheryl Cole argument: is she pretty or not? Girls are voting for hot and the boys are going for not. There's also been mixed drinks on the floor and some peer pressure. Lara and Will have arrived now and shortly we'll be going to Varsity and on to Mosh! Good times!
Wood Green in Godmanchester is a shelter for abandoned animals and they have everything from cats and dogs to the fattest rabbits you have even seen! James and I went along this afternoon and saw this lovely cat. He'd either had a stroke or was missing part of his lower mouth because his tongue was constantly hanging out the side but was still very friendly. Unfortunately, there were no Basset Hound puppies - the Marge had already warned me not too come home with a little dog in tow. There was a brilliant gem in the shop: a fur coat with a big fur trim for a dog! The ultimate winter warmer.
I really craved a Nandos while I was revising this week so tonight, James and I went out for some excellent chicken. Here is our sharing platter of a whole chicken and large chips and because I had enough stamps in the sort of loyalty card they do, we got a free half chicken too. Follow that up with two bottomless soft drinks and you have a lovely cheap meal! We're now back home and about to watch the second episode of 'Glee' but I'm so full up - there's so much chicken in my tummy, I think I'm actually turning into one!
This is not what she actually looks like..... well, most of the time! We're on our way to a big Woolveridge family birthday party in St. Albans - I thought that we were going to Boreham Wood until literally a minute ago. I'm knackered after this morning's half past nine exam on philosophy and then treking cross Leicester to get a lift back to Bedfordshire with Auntie Jayne. We're going down the A1 listening to Alan Carr's Radio Two show and it's brilliant. I hate Radio Two normally but this is inspired! Me and Sarah have been dancing in the back to the diva tunes and doing Alan Carr impressions: 'Are you ok, Madam?' 'It's like being heckled by a Bee Gee'
I met Hannah and Duncan in the slide room this morning for revision for tomorrow's exam on Classical Aesthetics and although we started on Plato, Aristotle and Jung, things went rapidly downhill. After Han wanted Dunc to give her a piggyback downstairs to get some food, we decided that it might be funny if he had to carry both of us. This is a still from the video we took of the hilarity. I had a Chicken caesar salad, two teacakes and a Ribena for lunch but I think it must have been the sugar because after that, we proceeded to tape up Duncan's face, a la Ricky Gervais and his editor Nigel, and then moved on to making a music video on Dunc's iPhone of me and Han singing 'Afternoon Delight' from 'Anchorman'. If tomorrow's exam is on song lyrics, then we're going to ace it!
After a morning of revision and then a revision lunch with Han, we went to the exam. The questions at first looked terrifying but I realised I could answer at least three on the old masters, religion and critics so off I went! I think it went ok so onto the next one. I got home, planning to make spaghetti bolognaise but Brooke and Billy were here so the six of us went out for a lovely meal at Jones'. They do a brilliant deal of two pasta dishes for £10 and they do some delicious sounding stuff. After a bit of deliberation, I went for an asparagus and goats cheese risotto with peas and spinach and because no matter how old you are, it's still funny to make faces with your food!
Candles are the primary source of heating in my bedroom because although I have a radiator, my bed blocks it, and I also have an exterior door and a window with single glazing. It gets pretty chilly sometimes, especially at the moment with the extra snow that fell today. I've been revising today and the candles have been blasting away. Big ones, scented ones, tea lights, ones in candle holders: all sorts. I like to think that they are keeping me warm but I'm not sure what thirteen single flames can do......
After a good morning of Nineteenth British Art, I met Dunc, Katie and Han for a lovely lunch in The Scholar - quite quick service today but Katie's burger was a bit mushy. Dunc braved the food and seemed to enjoy his chips while Han and I went a bit mental over last night's 'Glee' and Robert Downey Junior in 'Sherlock Holmes'. Dunc had a lovely Christmas coat and scarf and Katie had a beautiful bag from Ross and by Christmas, I mean present, not themed. We then went our seperate ways to revise - Katie to the library and us three to the slide room. After some good picture facts, we tried to bribe Matthew with Maoams (had to sing the song in my head to spell it) for the exam questions but he wasn't having any of it. I think we ate too many between us because we didn't really do much for the last hour. Too much sugar probably. I'm now finally settling down to do more work after Laura's lovely soup that we had for tea. I'm listening to a bit of depressing Coldplay because I just watched the episode of 'Extras' with the suprisingly funny Chris Martin as the guest star. Good times.
Same bed, different day. Revision was hardcore today but because I had to keep checking dates and getting proper spellings on the internet, it would then mean I had to do a small stop at Facebook which would then take a few extra minutes out of my day. Oooops. It was also pretty chilly so I've been wearing a million layers, including thermals and ski socks, and revising while tucked up in bed. I've had my hot water bottles filled up all day and using Ikea block candles as heating. I don't think they're giving out much heat though and I've covered my bookcase in some peach smelling candle wax.
After yesterday's mission of bringing all my stuff up to my university house and dumping it to avoid the heavy snow fall that never came, it meant that when I arrived back today after a short train ride, I had a lot of things to put away and this is only some of it. Old things had to be put back in their place and room had to be found for all the new objects that I got for Christmas! I hoovered and then got to work. After a good two hours of tidying, I'm now kicking back (odd phrase) with yesterday's new series of 'Heroes' and some bacon and cheese potato skins. A bit of a relax before the hardcore revision begins tomorrow!
We're finally off out in Bedford after trying to arrange this night four times through out the Christmas holiday - first it snowed, then people were busy, then people were working and now it's really really snowy and icy but we are making it happen tonight and all wearing ridiculous heels. It took me and Pez about five minutes to walk the five metres to Em's door. Bad times. I'm looking forward to a good night out (got Sean Kingston on at the moment) after a busy day. I went up to Leicester with Parge to drop all my stuff off because the snow is going to be very heavy tomorrow when I was meant to be moving back up. We like a variety of drinks and although Pez's drink here looks like Guiness, it's rum and coke but mainly rum!
James hates going to the hairdressers so after a day of risotto, packing and a university food big shop, I cut his hair. I've been cutting it for ages but this is only the second time it's been a specific style - although it's only short at the sides and a bit of the back and then two different lengths on top and for some of the back. I'm sure there is much more technical terms for that but I'm doing a History of Art degree, not 'Health and Beauty'..... Because his hair is so thick, you have to cut so much off before it even looks any different. You can't just hoover up afterwards, you have to sweep and then hoover because it clogs up the filter! For a haircut by Emma, please call 0800-EXCELLENT-HAIR
Marge and Parge are taking me for a big shop this weekend for food for this term at university so to make a list, I went through the new recipe book that I got for Christmas. Because Sarah has always been much better at cooking than me, I didn't have to do it because she would always get there first. My family always assumed I was rubbish at it but when I went to university and was actually pretty good, everyone suddenly realised that I could do better than the basic student cook book that Sarah bought me before I went. This excellent Dorling Kindersley book has some brilliant ideas, including sections for tapas and barbecue foods, but due to sparse funds, they shall have to wait for now!
More snow has fallen today and again, the country has ground to a halt. There is much panic over the lack of grit for the roads and over 7,000 schools have shut across the country. I personally love it - there is something so magical about the snow falling and everywhere being transformed. The British love to moan, what ever the weather, but snow is lovely, despite the fact that it's unfortunately down to global warming. It is beautiful and exciting, albeit cold, so I hope it sticks around!
Marge is making a pirate corner in her classroom at school and as resident art expert, I had to paint two parrots. I found a simple cartoon on the internet and then copied it onto two sheets of paper. While watching '17 Again', which is actually quite good, I painted them and added a few coats. It's not exactly degree quality but I hope the children like them! Apart from that, I haven't really done much today - more Sims, a yummy dinner and the Marge treated us to some Ben and Jerry's so I might have some of that now......
Like milk, I always thought I'd grow out of The Sims, but today I have spent the whole day playing it. I got The Sims Three for Christmas for the Marge and Parge and haven't really had much time to play it so when I was awake early today, I decided to do a Sims marathon. I have literally played all day, apart from when I had a break to have lunch while watching 'Neighbours'. I've stopped now too because my eyes began to really hurt! If I get it out of my system now, then when it matters next week to do revision and then dissertation at the end of January, I'll be bored of it. That's the plan anyway......
I met Emily and Katy for a lovely afternoon in the pub in Cardington - we are pretty good customers of theirs, although we students never spend much money! It is so cosy and welcoming in there and that makes it very busy so eventually when we managed to get a seat, we ordered. Emily had the soup and some rustic bread with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, Katy went with the Marger's favourite of sticky honey and chilli chicken with chips and because I wasn't too hungry, I went with the cheese board from the dessert menu. It had three excellent cheeses and a lot of celery AND grapes. I hate it when restaurants scrimp on the extras with cheese boards - you need those extra bits to compliment. Lovely afternoon, ladies!
Recipe: melt some chocolate, preferably Cadbury's, chop up strawberries and hit up Blockbuster for their DVD sale. James got a whole yard of Cadbury's for Christmas so we melted some of that - I don't think I've ever seen so much chocolate in one place at once! Good old Asda provided the strawberries and we managed to pick up 'Role Models', 'Four Weddings and a Funeral' and 'Tropic Thunder', which we're watching now, for a bargain price. An cheap, excellent, student night in.
After last night's NYE shenanigans, we got up nice and early (well, ten o'clock) and had a lovely breakfast with the Marge, Parge and Auntie Jane but James was so hungover, he could barely get out of bed. He decided to go home before we set out on the Mercer traditional New Year's Day walk. We drove to Willington and then walked along the cycle path to Bedford's Priory Park and I took lots of pictures with my brilliant new zoom lense. We stopped at the pub in the Marina and were only meaning to have a small snack but I ended up having a baguette, chips and a sticky toffee pudding. YUM. On the way back, I got a massive stitch but it began to get dark so we had to get a bit of a jog on to get back to the car in time. This is the beautiful sunset - it's hard to capture the colours but it changed from blue to this lovely orange. I'm now aching all over from walking home from Liz's last night and treking around the countryside today. I love that cycle track.