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This wig is so horrid and hot but I need it for the overall costume! Everyone this year has put in lots of effort and so far, everyone looks brilliant! James is a zombie undertaker, Vick is plague doctor, Laur is a cat, I'm obviously Poison Ivy, Katie is a cheerleader and Ross is a American footballer. I even have a green drink to match!
James bought his new Monopoly City up with him this weekend so we're playing it with our classic 60's, 70's & 80's Spotify playlist on in the background! Laura and Vick have never played this version before and me and James can barely remember so this should be an interesting game! But Laura has just called me a 'Monopoly Bitch' (in a nice way) because I had to build a rubbish dump on her Diamond Hills area. It's like normal Monopoly but with different names and you can build residential and industrial blocks on your bought spaces. A bit complicated but it gets good as you go along!
He should totally start a bakery business and call it that! Maybe expand into Italian ice-creams and savoury baked goods like cheese and bacon pastries..... Sorry, I digress! Dunc has been promising us muffins for a long time. Al and Katie got theirs a few weeks ago but me and Han aren't in that module. Today we had a combination of banana (my favourite) and blueberry & raspberry. Duncan's Marvellous Muffins: Coming To A Town Near You!
I'd never though of adding accessorises to an already carved pumpkin! I popped down to the grocers to buy stuff for our Mediterranean dinner of couscous, mince and roasted vegetables and saw this in their window. What excellent attention to detail! I cannot wait for Han's Halloween party on Saturday but I'm gutted that I'm missing The Ginn's burlesque performance back home - maybe we can combine the two and Ginn can come to Rydal House......
The Marger and Sarah popped up for the day as it's half term and we met Auntie Jayne in town. Sarah is now a vegetarian after getting food poisoning from Pizza Express so the vegetarian food of The Good Earth was a good choice for everyone. We wandered around the town, finally found some fake ivy for my Halloween costume that Marge is going to sew on my cape and then came back to Auntie Jayne's for cups of tea and allergy tablets because I'm allergic to the cats! Had to have a little nap though as I gave blood this morning and it's really tired me out.
After six hours in uni, the most exciting thing that has happened to me today was Laura and Vicki getting back from Asda with lots of shopping! There were many treats, including Laur's bargain Halloween costume of cat ears, a tail and a sparkly bow tie, kitchen roll with either animals or robots on it and some Smart Price smoked salmon trimmings that look quite delicious - looking forward to Vick's salmon pasta on Thursday!
A brilliant birthday present from Hannah and Shep! Katie joined me from Leicester and we met the tour at Leicester Square. Minor panic when the ticket office was closed but the guide turned up anyway! We saw all the Harry Potter film locations from around the city: Diagon Alley, Ministry of Magic etc. Not only did we travel by Tube but there was also a boat and a bus involved. After seeing the fake Platform 9 and 1/3 and the fat one from Blue, we smacked upon a McDonalds and headed to the Tate Modern to see the Pop Life exhibition. Between the porn and the explicit videos, we saw some pieces from Warhol, Hirst, Emin and also some stuff that will help in my dissertation! A quick stop in the Oxford Street Topshop (again), a Pizza Express and now I'm back on the train home before being driven back up to Leicester by the Marge. Such a busy but lovely weekend!
What a great shop apart from the heating which they insist on having extremely high. Got to Oxford Street with the Marge early this morning so it wasn't too busy and hit Topshop. They've got great sales on at the moment and managed to get some tops and some delightful blue shoes. Popped down to Uniglo and their selection of jeans are excellent. Got two pairs of those and then we went to All Bar One for a spot of tapas style luncheon. Nearly killed myself bra shopping but eventually found a set of two for £15 - miracle! Found some amazing tartan pajamas (which I have always wanted) and then finished the purchasing off with something else I have always wanted: a Bet Lynch-esque leopard print jacket. Thank you, Marge and Parge!
One does it for real and one was bullied into it for the purpose of this picture. Sorry Sheppy! Shot some photos of Hannah for her burlesque portfolio in the glamourous location of my bedroom. She looked brilliant and very pretty. Shep joined us and was shocked at my choice of music: The History of Hip Hop. I've got to touch the pictures up a bit but I hope Han likes them!
It's so lovely to be home and with the beginnings of a new bathroom! Slowly but surely it is taking shape. The bath is in but there is no shower yet so it looks like I will be bathing this weekend or popping over to James' for a quick shower. I'm not sure what's worse: having a shower in the cold at uni or having to have a bath everyday at home! At least it's warm enough to sleep with your arms outside the duvet and without a hot water bottle here. Such a luxury!
Me and Han finally got our long awaited presents from Duncan's family trip to Disney Land. He got us a Disney Princess mirror and a giant lolly-pop which is so big, you wouldn't be able to eat it in one go! We had lunch in the Piazza before going to a dissertation computer class which would have been more useful two years ago. Good one, History of Art department.
This dog is so beautiful! Basset hounds are so fat and brilliantly lazy so they are my ultimate dog - and sometimes they sing! Saw this calendar while out shopping with Auntie Jayne, Holly and Grace. We had a lovely lunch and then a tea break (from our very early Christmas shopping) of chocolate-based goods. I had a lovely caramel shortbread and a dark chocolate and cherry milkshake. Yum Yum. I think I love food too much.
What an amazing painting! Good old Justin Lee Collins, immortalised in paint forever, not that I have to say who it is because it's so fantastic. My cousin Holly was showing me her art homework and this was the last entry. Such good attention to detail and it is just so brilliant. Well done, Holly!
I used to hate it but I am now addicted! Can't wait for Cheryl to perform in a minute - much better than old crackhead Whitney. John and Edward need to go tonight as they murdered Britney Spears last night...... Not literally but her song. They can't dance or sing and they have bad hair. People need to stop voting for them for fun!
We're at the Diwali celebrations in Leicester and this is the Hindu temple on Belgrave Road. Such amazing lights and the fireworks are about to start! We started off with some traditional vegetarian food with curries, chilli paneer, rice and ice-cream for afters to cool our mouths! Vick bought us some 'fun snaps' and sparklers and her and Laura bought magic Diwali cards. Brilliant!
What an excellent mixture of a restaurant atmosphere and a fast food outlet. People love chicken. Today we had a meal platter which consists of a whole chicken (which is massive), large chips and bottomless soft drinks. I went with the Italy addiction of Fanta! Nearly forgot to upload today's picture because we went to the cinema to see 'Couples Retreat' - not the best film but it is worth seeing for the brilliant kid in it!
Due to mucho illness, me and Hannah didn't make it to the library to finish Monday's presentation and our lecture was cancelled because Simon has come down with it too. That means most people I know in Leicester have been knocked for six by this flu which is maybe even of the swine variety. So instead of being in uni for six hours, I opted for reading. I think this selection of texts are a good reflection of me (if you replace the Twilight with Harry Potter): Elle magazine, Peter Kay's second autobiography and a nice bit of art historical Plato.
After spending our vouchers and well earned loans, we left with our rubbish goodie bags and many a lovely item. Dunc only wanted to spend £30 but ended up spending double, Han bought her first ever pair of blue jeans, Katie got a variety of lovely pink tops and I bought a sort of blue tartan jacket and some amazing individual stud earrings. One of these earring is a cross like Elton John - brilliant! I'm going to rock that look with some huge comedy glasses......
Planning to go as Poison Ivy for Han's Halloween and Primark is always good for outfit staples. Last year it was white trousers for Alex from 'A Clockwork Orange' and this year it's a sequinned snakeskin t-shirt that the Marge is going to cleverly make into boob tube. Or maybe I'll hack into it with some scissors, adapt with safety pins and attach some fake ivy. Inspired!
Round Allie and Katie's house for pre-night drinks before our visit to Liquid for Allie's 21st birthday! She is looking very pretty in her lovely new party dress. We swappe birthday presents: Allie got a knicker bag, sweets, a necklace, hair bands with bows on, a beret and lovely socks, Hannah got a Pre-Raphaelite colouring book, also a knicker bag and a New York guide and I got earrings and a beaut necklace. Katie bought all three of us an amazing print from Paris! Gotta love some good presents - thank you, girls!
Bloody John and Edward! How did they get through? Blogging while watching X Factor - who the hell is voting for them?! There's nothing like an Indian takeaway with X Factor, especially when Neil can put the whole thing on his expenses and we got £5 off. Yummy. It's been a good day (apart from John and Edward) with food, excellent tv and we watched 'Notorious' - such an amazing film! Fo'sho, mofos.....
I think I want to live here: not only is it a pub in a boat but you can get a beer and a burger or a cider and a curry for £3.95. Mint. And their desserts are brilliant - I think I'm going for a banana split! Yummy Yum
You can always rely on New Walk Museum for an exhibit on mummies in movies. Not exactly Oscar winners either. The museum has an exhibition coming up on German Expressionism which I think is just their normal art collection with the gallery walls painted! We had a lovely afternoon buying old school vinyl and drinking over priced goods from Starbucks. Wonderful!
I still enjoy Rage Against the Quiz Machine..... But as Brooke loves Christina Aguilera, we chose that. This is possibly the darkest picture in the whole world but this is our quiz team: Alex, Brooke, Vick & Neil and obviously me. So far, so good. We are doing well, especially as the boy with the answers has taken a shine to us..... This pub also has a pet cat and a regular visiting dog called Blue who is possibly the longest dog in the world!
To be cultural and experience the delights that Leicester has to offer, we decided to go to Abbey Park. We trekked across town and nearly got a bus 200m to the park because we didn't know where it was. Bad times. The signs also said it was 1/3 mile for at least a whole mile. Needlest to say, we got the bus home but only after seeing the abbey ruins and the amazing petting zoo! They had some beaut goats (see above) which Vick fed polos and caused a fight to break out but also lovely rabbits and a really pregnant guinea pig!
It's what all the cool kids are doing these days: decorate and label their note pads. Step One: buy the cheapest notebooks you can find from Tescos. Step Two: buy some immense Crayola metallic pens. Step Three: Get a tad bored while trying to write a presentation and allocate a module per book. It's almost Prada, to be honest......
We do have work! We spent this afternoon in the library as we have dissertation proposals due on Friday and then me and Han have presentations to prepare for Monday. Annoying but at least it gets them out of the way! I'm writing this as me, Laura and Vick are round Brooke & Alex's house and we've drunk a lot of Sainsbury's Basics rose which is also known as 'for the table, not the cellar'. Don't judge us: we're students, this is what we're supposed to do!
Me & James went for a lovely walk in the RSPB. Luckily, there weren't many birds around but we saw lots of squirrels, including two really small baby ones! I wanted one like that girl from the 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' remake. We went to look at the fish in the pond and some naughty child dropped their fruit shoot into the water so it is now apple and blackcurrent flavour or something.....
Finally the day has come for Laura to move into her new flat in London town! We loaded all her things into the van, including a massive fridge and a lovely but precious coffee table. I was very excited because I got to ride in the van with the Checked Shirts Club! We had our snacks from Gunns Bakery (bacon and cheese turnover) and we were ready to go......
Normally, my blood tests don't hurt but this one has bruised a bit. Hopefully they will give a conclusion of why I'm so tired again and it'll almost definately be lack of iron. The doctors will let me know the results within the week, either by letter or by text. That's what the NHS spend their money on: their weekly phone credit or one hell of a Vodafone contract.....
They are so lovely! They are called Alfie & Esmie as they were the alternative names for Holly & Grace when they were born. Only fifteen weeks old but they're very well behaved - although the net curtains are ripped to bits!